Mar 9, 2009

Cards for a Cause - Casino Night '09

The Junior League and our Casino Night committee has worked long and hard for one of our year's biggest fun'd raising events (which is why the blog has been a bit neglected!). This Saturday's culmination proved that "Lady Luck" was certainly present. A glamorous crowd, chart topping prizes, and the sights and sounds of a hopping casino, it was was hard to tell we were "working"! After an exhausting day of set up and preparation, a humbling gesture touched each volunteer when a member of the Country Club, passed through the ballroom, and made a simple inquiry about the event. After describing the event the resulting JLGWH projects, the donor subtly pulled out his check book and wrote us a check on the spot... for $5,000!!! It was almost unbelieveable, but yet, the past 2 years have shown me just how compassionate and generous are the members of this great community. So many, give so much. Whether it be time, or talent, or other resources, I was certainly proud to be a member of the JLGWH on Saturday night, with those who do so much to give back. Treasurer, Jill Barton, began our unofficial numbers crunch first thing Sunday morning (perhaps while some of us were still sleeping "late" thanks to time change) with some funds incoming for auction items and possibly a few reimbursements yet to be made, it looks like our NET PROFIT for the event will be close to $9,000! Jill Bentley and Jennifer Myers are officially "Wonder Women"! Jessica and Jae Lynn enjoyed greeting guests! Arlese and Marta worked the Horse Racing! Marta said that "nothing is more fun than someone winning $400,000!" It was so comforting to have Past Presidents, at our event. I breathed a little easier when I could look across the room and see those who have "been there and done that". There is a sense of empathy that another President understands. I feel very honored and humbled to be in such great company! Thank you to all of our Sustainers who continue to show your support and love for our great organization.

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