Nov 23, 2008

Eat, Shop and be Merry!

An unprecedented success, the first inagural Merry Market was truly ground breaking. With the fundraising tally still in the works, there is no doubt that our vendors were thrilled, our guests were dazzled, and our members were merry. Like all good things, it certainly did not come with out a lot of hard work and talents on the part of our committee lead brilliantly by Chairperson, Angela Moore. Angela, we hope you are relaxing with your feet up today, but if I know Angela... she is probably crunching the numbers! It was truly an honor to be a part of this organization for such an exciting event, and what memories we've made together! Strengthening friendships and creating new bonds, the community will enjoys the fruit of your labor for years to come. Congratulations guys! Click on "comments" below to post your favorite MM memory!

Nov 14, 2008

Grant Recipients Recognized at Meeting

Awstruck as 6 (of the 8) attending grateful grant-earners described the projects and tasks, that have been enhanced by the JLGWH Grants as well as the great strides these teachers are making, on the students in our community. It was truly an honor to have them at our meeting, and we were inspired by their dedication and committment to our children's education.

Healthy Lifestyles themed our GMM

Our November GMM was an introduction to our Kids in the Kitchen project. With a little Yoga and a fun and easy nutritious dessert, we were better able to adress the business at hand. Each member made their delicious (KiK recipie) Strawberry Trifle themselves for a live "cooking" demonstration. See Below for the recipie...and this is my kind of recipie! We enjoyed some great stretches and brief yet rejuvenating excersizes to get the blood flowing. Strawberry Trifle: In a small tumbler layer the following (alter the ordering to taste) Graham Crackers - crushed in plastic baggie (very fun for little cooks!) Fresh Strawberries - sliced Light Whipped Topping

Nov 5, 2008

A new president... of the Junior League of NYC

The New York Junior League President, appointed in January of this year, is the first black president of the NYJL. Characterizing the move as a groundbreaking one for an organization that has tried for years to cultivate a more socially and racially diverse image, as noted in the NY Times. The newly elected president, Gena Lovett, the chief operating officer of a Manhattan hedge fund company, will be taking over at a time when the league is struggling with internal allegations of financial mismanagement. Recently making nation news in the Forbes Life magazine, click on the link below to read more about this interesting story.

Nov 3, 2008

Did you know that you can log your volunteer hours on our website? Keep track of all your hard work and log your hour credits on our website at and sign in under member section.

Inspiring message from AJLI President

Retreat Weekend