May 21, 2008

Ladies in Need of Laughter and Massages

Ok - so it doesn't quite roll off the tounge the way our L.I.N.K.S. program does, but it suits us all the same. Here a few leaguers celebrate a year of hard work and big impacts. We appreciate the wonderful leadership of visionary and outgoing President, Delight Carmichael, and congratulate her and her new (and growing) family as they dive right in to the next exciting chapter of their lives. Well done ladies!
Pictured L to R: Michelle Trinklein, Delight Carmichael, Jennifer Myers, Paula Threadgill

Congratulations to our new Actives!

I would like to congratulate and thank our newest Active Members. On May 13th the once provisional members officially rose to their active membership. What an awesome class and we appreciate outgoing Provisional Instructor, Jae Lynn Akin for her leadership and efforts with this dynamic group of ladies. You are certainly the future of our league and we the best class of superstars we have had to date! (you old timers need not be offended, I will say that next year as well!) We are so excited about these ladies and look forward to an awesome upcoming year!

May 15, 2008

2008 Spring Dinner

May 13th marks the beginning of my Presidency as I embark on my mission to serve the Junior League of Greater Winter Haven. My first official business, is well, to add an informal virtual community where we exchange information, and do what us ladies do best... chat! I hope you will visit often and add your own information. Feel free to upload fun photos of friends and family, share a recipie or plan a playdate. My goal for this venue is to bring us all a little closer while we can carry out the daily schedule that a Superhero keeps, while changing the world ... one woman at a time.

Inspiring message from AJLI President

Retreat Weekend