Jul 15, 2009


enjoy your summer!

May 21, 2009

President's Traditional Tea

Two time Past President, Cindy Bruce, opened up her home on Sunday for a time honored traditional ladies Tea honoring Incoming President, Wendy Morris and Incoming President-Elect, Jennifer Meyers. A number of Past President's were in attendance to congratulate the future leadership and share their words of wisdom for a great year ahead. Special thanks to Cindy for her hospitality, and a lovely afternoon of wisdom and traditions.

May 15, 2009

President's Annual Report

Throughout its 28-years, our League has contributed countless dollars and volunteer hours to Winter Haven and surrounding communities. World-wide, Junior League members are an unparalleled and amazingly influential force; unifying more than 175,000 women. As communities become more global, Junior League women continue to be a force with whom to be reckoned. Afterall, we are women on a mission. This mission is simple yet profound: 􀁸 Promote voluntarism 􀁸 Develop the potential of women 􀁸 Improve the community through the effective action and leadership of trained volunteers Now more than ever, voluntarism plays a crucial role in our communities. Our ability to inspire awareness, compassion, hope, and a sense of community will not only help heal our communities during these unstable times, but help build a bond between each other. This year, we are extremely proud to welcome 9 new members into our League. I look forward to being a part of their personal, professional, and philanthropic growth. They have become a part of the sisterhood we all share; that gift we have been given to impact the lives of underserved children and their families; our community, and each other as we come to find a deeper understanding of ourselves as we serve our community.. An underlying mission of the League is to train members to be powerful volunteers—to take the experiences in team management, fundraising, communications, community activism and apply that to other community organizations. Beyond the good works we do each year, this is the true gift our League shares with our community—our reach is widespread. Our projects, programs and grants would not be possible without JLGWH’s extraordinary fundraising efforts. This year, we introduced 2 innovative fundraising concepts to East Polk County raising over $20,000.00 with the inaugural Merry Market and Casino Night fundraising events. In a difficult economy, this accomplishment is unparalleled. Yet these talented women built strategic plans, and then achieved these unprecedented results with a style and grace that made their tasks seem effortless. We continued to grow our outstanding service projects by introducing new initiatives this year, while maintaining solid fund management principles to insure sustainability for our league. The highlights of our community service projects this year include our library education event, grants to well-deserving teachers, and necessary personal items donated to foster children to ease their transition into independent living. Blazing a path to community awareness, our membership initiated new projects to ignite a passion for healthy lifestyles via our Kids in the Kitchen project, raising safety awareness to local school-aged children via bike helmet donations, holiday gift packaging for the Salvation Army, introducing a women’s education series, partnering with the United Way to provide free tax services for low income families and contributing our time to benefit the Winter Haven Stroke Center. These enormous undertakings would not be possible without our energetic visionaries that donate their valuable time and talents as members of our organization, and leaders for our community. We are so very fortunate to have the generous support of the community and our sponsors that strengthen our efforts and widen our impact. On behalf of over 150 members of the Junior League of Greater Winter Haven, I would like to thank our community partners, corporate sponsors, individual donors, family and friends for your contributions and support. Your belief in our mission and generous donations of both time and money speak volumes to your commitment to improve the lives of others and is a significant part of our lasting legacy. Without you, we could not provide the volunteer service we believe in so passionately. Our organization is made up of more than a voting membership—but a sisterhood of overachievers who are passionate about making their community a better place to live. I often refer to this amazing group of women as “Superheros” as their ability to multi-task and conquer the impossible is aw-inspiring and humbling. Each of these passionate volunteers truly set out each day to save the world! One little piece, person, or project at a time. As a parting act of leadership, I want to congratulate my predecessor, and dear friend; a woman that embodies all that the League means to me: strength, brains, spirit and passion. Wendy Morris, I look forward to what the coming year has in store for you. Better yet, we all look forward to what you have in store for the coming year. I am honored to have had the opportunity to serve my community and my League in this year. Thank you for allowing me to share in the many blessings of serving you all. It is with great pleasure that we provide the community with this annual report. On behalf of the 2007-2008 Board of Directors, I want to thank you—our members, your families, our sponsors, and our community partners for giving your time, talents and treasures to support the Junior League of Greater Winter Haven’s efforts. Our collective impact in the Polk County community through our service is nothing short of Superhero status. Respectfully Submitted, Leslie Heimer

Bear Hugs

The last leg of our projects for this year, Wendy and I delivered the Bear Hugs bags filled with necessities and toiletries to Heartland for Children. They were please to recieve 25 loaded bags full of soaps, supplies, towels, water bottles, and all varieties of personal care items for those young adults transitioning out of foster care. Special thanks to Melanie T for organizing this Board project!

May 14, 2009

AJLI Annual Conference in Atlanta

The PE and the Pee-Wee, and myself headed to the ATL for the AJLI Conference this past weekend and enjoyed the sites and sounds of a big city while pumping our brains FULL of skills and training on leadership, strategic planning, and governance while networking and sharing with other amazing women and JL leaders, across the county. This was such an inspiring and cathartic 4 days, as my year as JL President comes to a close, and and new leadership prepares to further progress our mission. We also had a little social time with other "League-ing Ladies." Among my favorite were Inman Park Homes Tour and dinner at the trendy, Iron Chef winner, Rathbuns - Yum!. So much in store for our League with Wendy as our incoming President, our Incoming President-Elect, Jennifer Meyers. Love you girls... power of 3!

Apr 17, 2009

Spirit of the League

The Spirit of the League award is meant to honor an active member who exemplifies a balanced and selfless style of leadership. The criteria includes someone who: - Exemplies the spirit and purpose of the Junior League through commitment to voluntarism, our mission and our efforts. - Demonstrates a selfless and caring attitude. - Shows a balance and depth of service to the League, community and family. - Combines "hands on" service and leadership roles. - Acts as an ambassador of the League in the community. Send your nomination in now to drv@osah.com or info@jlgwh.org {Pictured above is the 2007/2008 Spirit of the League Award Recipient} Past recipients include: 2008 Cindy Baxter 2007 Marianne George 2006 Sharon Garber 2005 Sarah Case 2004 Anna Coco 2003 Peggy Threlkel 2002 Cindy Bruce 2001 Jayne Bates 2000 Suzanne Lindsey 1999 Lynda Whitney 1998 Mary Ellen Cheney 1997 Jane Lyons 1996 Kay Gray

Mar 30, 2009

Silence is not Golden ... at least not this case :-)

Be sure to submit your nomination for our Annual Golden Gloves recipient. This dedicated individual will be honored at our Spring Banquet on May 12th, for their service to our community. Download nomination form easily at our website, www.jlgwh.org. Deadline is May 1st.

Mar 24, 2009

First Family Fit Fest

was raved and complimented, not only by participants and guest, but by our attending health partners that were pleased by the turnout. Estimating approximately 250-300 people in attendance at our inagural event, we were thrilled to fit and 175 kids with bike helmets, complete approx 14 free physicals, complete numerous BMI calculations, and educate hundreds of local families about the benefits of a healthy lifestyle. One lucky guest went homw with a Wii Nintendo Gaming System and WiiFIT! Members had a wonderful time and enjoyed this hand-on, large-scale project while enjoying the gorgeous day and scenery overlooking Lake Eloise. Special thanks to the committee! Niki Martin, Jill Dunlop, Allison Lee, Wendy Morris, Jessica Fischer, Mary Beth Jackson, Angela Newell, and Jennie Maretti, and all the members and sustainers that showed their support the day of this exciting event!

Mar 13, 2009

Watch out Jane Fonda

Special thanks to Mary Beth Jackson and her husband, Mark for allowing us the opportunity to promote Family Fit Fest on Sports Marketing's live show today. Myself, Jill Dunlop and Mary Beth enjoyed the afternoon doing one of our favorite things... talking about JL! The cast and crew were so friendly and calming (we thought Jill may hyperventilate - but she was a total natural!!!) Watch for our commercial spot on PGTV [Brighthouse Ch. 622, Verizon Ch.20, Comcast Ch.33] at the following times: Sunday 8p Mon 7a Tues 4a Wed 3a Thur 1:30a Fri 9p Sat 7p (DISCLAIMER: keep in mind it was live with no editing or rehersal, go gentle on us!) (the media relations expert was up just before us discussing the Duramed Future tour players - so interesting, it was great to meet her too, added bonus!)

Placement Fair Fun

Tuesday's meeting was kicked off with dessert first, adding tasty toppings at our progressive sundae Placement Fair. Board members and Committee Chairs each set up a display to showcase the different elements of their placement for a tradeshow type feel. Another treat was meeting the well spoken and gorgeous future leaguers as members participated in our themed meeting by bringing their future leaguers to the meeting. With the announcement of the huge profit of a very successful Casino night (APPROXIMATELY $9,000!!!) sprinkled with some fun on top, Junior League Tuesday was as fun as it was productive! The Provisionals get started early and enjoy a festive drink while adding some final touches to the Family Fit Fest planning. Paula Orcutt pulls double duty at both the Super Saturday booth as well as covering the booth for Merry Market! Provisional, Hannah Taylor AND her sundae are booth looking good! Our little Provisional momma-to-be definately deserves an extra scoop! Jancie's display highlights the many community projects from this year. As CRPD, hers will be big shoes to fill! Jae Lynn and Jill creatively described their placement with some added adjectives: Number Nerds, Bean Counters, and Money Bags - pretty much "sum" it up!

Mar 9, 2009

Cards for a Cause - Casino Night '09

The Junior League and our Casino Night committee has worked long and hard for one of our year's biggest fun'd raising events (which is why the blog has been a bit neglected!). This Saturday's culmination proved that "Lady Luck" was certainly present. A glamorous crowd, chart topping prizes, and the sights and sounds of a hopping casino, it was was hard to tell we were "working"! After an exhausting day of set up and preparation, a humbling gesture touched each volunteer when a member of the Country Club, passed through the ballroom, and made a simple inquiry about the event. After describing the event the resulting JLGWH projects, the donor subtly pulled out his check book and wrote us a check on the spot... for $5,000!!! It was almost unbelieveable, but yet, the past 2 years have shown me just how compassionate and generous are the members of this great community. So many, give so much. Whether it be time, or talent, or other resources, I was certainly proud to be a member of the JLGWH on Saturday night, with those who do so much to give back. Treasurer, Jill Barton, began our unofficial numbers crunch first thing Sunday morning (perhaps while some of us were still sleeping "late" thanks to time change) with some funds incoming for auction items and possibly a few reimbursements yet to be made, it looks like our NET PROFIT for the event will be close to $9,000! Jill Bentley and Jennifer Myers are officially "Wonder Women"! Jessica and Jae Lynn enjoyed greeting guests! Arlese and Marta worked the Horse Racing! Marta said that "nothing is more fun than someone winning $400,000!" It was so comforting to have Past Presidents, at our event. I breathed a little easier when I could look across the room and see those who have "been there and done that". There is a sense of empathy that another President understands. I feel very honored and humbled to be in such great company! Thank you to all of our Sustainers who continue to show your support and love for our great organization.

Mar 4, 2009

Tax Preparation Service Project

Tis the Season... for taxes! This project allowed members the opportunity to learn a new skill while giving back to low income families and assisting with their tax preparation. Special thanks to Jennifer Schaal and her employer, NCT Group for their time and technology on which we depended to complete the e-filing and get our participants their money fast!
We certainly showcased all the library has to offer. Books in Braille, seeing-eye dogs, musicians illustrating how vibrations of music enmhance the reading experience, live art, face painting, scavenger hunt... and books galore. I would say this project was a success. Look for the JLGWH on display at the Winter Haven Public Library highlighting how Women of the League have made a difference in history!

Feb 17, 2009

Super Saturday a Super Success

Special thanks to Paula Orcut and her super committee. Our event at the Library was another fabulous project for the JLGWH, showcasing the library's many resources for over 100 children.

Feb 11, 2009

PCC is Seeking Community Input for Change

PCC is Seeking Community Input on its Name Change Polk Community College is seeking community input on its impending name change. PCC is planning to change its name to reflect the addition of baccalaureate offerings. This new chapter at PCC began last June when the State Legislature passed a bill establishing the State College Pilot Project for nine community colleges, including PCC. An online survey of PCC’s various stakeholders is being conducted. To take the survey, go to the bottom of the PCC website at www.polk.edu and look for the “PCC Name-Change Survey.” You will be asked to indicate your top three choices from a list of ten potential new names. The survey takes only a few moments to complete. Input from PCC’s various stakeholders will assist the District Board of Trustees with their final decision. Take the survey today! Deadline is 2/13

Feb 4, 2009

League Career Builder

Need a job? Need a good help? Look no further! We all know the the JLGWH is made up of trained volunteers with dedication, passion, and ambition. Who better to refer for employment, than a fellow leaguer! With so much transition in our employment market, keep these members in mind should you hear about an employment opportunity! Lori Schreier 863-651-6588 lorscreier@yahoo.com Bachelor of Arts Degree with specialization in Math Most recently worked as a POP Claims Adjuster with GEICO and also handled telephone liability.

Feb 3, 2009

What's in your Sandwich?

The upcoming Family Fit Fest has identified their purpose of helping community children and families make healthier lifestyle changes through attainable adjustments in every day life. Follow this link www.brown-bagging.com/sillyGame.php for a fun demo and activity to illustrate to own family about healthy eating choices. We are working toward getting multiple copies of this Silly Sandwich book as giveaways for our event next month. Although, I have to admit, that chocolate cake did look pretty good on my sandwich! My kids love peanut butter on white wheat (i have to trick them) with low sugar honey and bananas. It is good I promise!! Leave your comment and tell us what your families favorite healthy sandwich includes!

Jan 30, 2009

Board Retreat & "Super-Bowl"

Second Place Team Super-Bowl Champs The Board of Directors recently met for an engaging Mid-Year Retreat to discuss key strategies with which our league can continue its mission and best serve its members. The meeting was initiated with a focused discussion for strategic planning while addressing areas of retention, member satisfaction, long term planning and volunteer positions. After a productive meeting the ladies enjoyed a fun challenge and our own "Super Bowl". After divding into teams, there was a bowling face-off, though the nachos were attacked with almost the same amount of passion! I have to say ladies, the kiddie-rails would have been helpful for some, but I am not mentioning any names! Because the Junior League handbook demands that us JL'ers always put fashion before function (smiling) the ladies of the Board could not be seen in those unattractive bowling shoes. No mam; the ladies donned fabulous custom heels ensuring each bowler, a turkey. We certainly cannot be seen in public without our best foot forward... "Striking" Ladies! hee hee

Jan 27, 2009

News Chief credits JLGWH with creative fundraising in difficult economy

The News Chief's feature story on Sunday regarded the fundraising element so important to many non profits, and what those organizations have done to maitain this revenue source in difficult economic times. Andrea Cruz, Chief Reporter for the NC highlighted our League's creative approach to our fundraisers, and the many community projects and contributions we continue to make as a result. Full story can be read at http://www.newschief.com/article/20090125/NEWS/901250251 Merry fundraising While being able to save water benefits a cause, being able to save shoppers' gasoline and time to ultimately benefit their own community projects was on the minds of the members of the Junior League of Greater Winter Haven, a group of women dedicated to causes in the community. They brainstormed and came up with a one-stop shopping holiday fundraiser last November called the Merry Market. Leslie Heimer, president of the League, said the inaugural year of the Merry Market was an extension of Breakfast With Santa, a fundraiser from previous years. 'It had reached the ceiling of how much to charge someone to come and see Santa and eat pancakes,' Heimer said. So, contacts with boutique owners were made, and soon a buffet of shopping opportunities to offer would-be charitable donors was organized for the weekend of Nov. 21, 2008. Heimer said fun fundraisers generally have a better turnout because people are less likely now, more than ever, to go to a 'froufrou' fundraiser. They need to get something out of it, she said. 'Right now, the economy is in such tough place that people are little bit less likely to just hand over money just for the sake of handing over money,' Heimer said. 'People need an outlet to really get something out of it, a personal satisfaction or a personal reward.' The reward of the small entrance fee to get into the Merry Market was a couple of days of shopping. A stress-relief night out with the girls was the reward of the league's indulging Merlot, Manicures & More event held that same Friday.. The event featured complimentary massages, manicures, goody bags, the chance to pop a balloon dress with a ball inside to indicate a raffle prize, and meet Casey Wohl, author of the 'Girls Getaway Guide.' Fun at the 'casino' Heimer said the Junior League has had to cancel some of the events it has been holding annually for years. She said they just weren't 'in the cards.' What is in the cards, however, is the Junior League Casino Night fundraiser, which will be held March 7 at the Lake Region Yacht and Country Club. 'Money is traded in for a chip. Let's say the chip is worth 50 cents and (the donor) had to give a dollar for it,' Heimer said. She said all monies received from events like these and others go to the League's many community projects, which are meant to enrich the lives of women, children and families. The projects include scholarships for teachers, students who volunteer, an annual women's outreach class series and the Bear Hugs program, which provide gift baskets with toiletries and other necessities to emancipated foster children. A complete list of the League's fundraising events and projects can be found online at www.JLGWH.org. Heimer, who said the League has lost members due to the economy, said the group tries very hard not to nickel and dime its members. Instead, the members would rather place more value on the time they can volunteer. One of those events is Super Saturday, which annually promotes the resources of the local library. The event is geared toward children of all reading abilities, and Heimer said the Junior League members enjoy it very much. 'There's nothing like watching a 7-year-old's face light up when they get to take home three books from our Super Saturday,' she said. The next Super Saturday will be Feb. 7, from 9 a.m. to noon, at the Winter Haven Public Library. 'We have been very frugal with our funds over the years and we are good stewards of the community's money,' Heimer said. 'We are very thankful for our community sponsors. We definitely have some generous community sponsors.'

Jan 15, 2009

Family Fit Fest

Congratulations! to our creative Sustainer (and Past President) Marianne George for her "Name that Event" contest entry that was chosen, by the committee, as the official name for our upcoming Spring event. This title perfectly captures the spirit of this new project. The Family Fit Fest will be held at Cypress Gardens (Thanks Angela N!) on March 21st. Looks for more details to come!

Jan 14, 2009

January General Membership Meeting

It wonderful to see everyone last night, after what seemed to be a long holiday break. With a lot of League work opportunities in the coming months, I am looking forward to spending some of the hard earned funds, raised at our super-successful Merry Market, on our new and improved community projects. With so many projects upcoming, last night's Guest Speaker was just the inspiration to kick off the year. As Director of the Mission, Pastor David Berry and his wife have made extraordinary sacrifices and progress at the Mission. There was barely a dry eye in the house when he was literally moved to tears, recalling recent success stories. I keep thinking about his presentation from last night and one of the most poignant perspectives was that "alcoholism and drugs are a by-product of homlessness, not the cause." While I am a dedicated volunteer at heart, I think how often I quickly jump to a conclusion that assumes the reverse. With a colder than normal week ahead, please keep the Mission in mind for warm winter coats and clothing as well as a few other key ndonations that the Mission currently has a high demand for: shoes, men's Clothes, women's undergarmets, feminine products, hygiene products (hotel samples are great). The mission also accepts previously opened food items. The mission currently serves between 300-350 meals per day. By providing a place for a shower and laundry, computers for job searches or apply for food stamps (we were all shocked to learn that you can only apply for food stamps online now? huh??) empowers struggling individuals to apply at Labor Force or make attempts at an honest wage, other then turning to destructive or illegal activity for money. Thank you to Grant Piche', longtime Mission board member and GM for Texas Cattle Company and Pastor David Berry for enlightening and inspiring us on how we can further serve our community.

Jan 5, 2009

Executive Home for Rent

Want a fresh start in 09? Consider a new home and lower monthly expenses with a roommate. Large professional pool home, needs roommate. Owner open to potential opportunity to trade cleaning and errands for partial or full rent. Perfect for responsible college, retiree, or professional lady. Please share with friends, co-workers, and family that might be interested. Interested contact League Member Leslie McCutchin at leslie.mccutchin.maa1@statefarm.com or call 287-4253. Do you have a home for rent/sell, a garage sale coming up, or babysitting needs? Use this fun forum to connect to other members. Just send me an email, I am happy to post on our virtual bulletin board!

Dec 17, 2008

Girlie and Christmas... need we say more!

Members indulged in scrumptious and elegant Hor de oeuvres’, flirtini's, and the cool retro decor that make host, Leslie McCutchin's Bachlorette pad, so fun! Special thank you to Leslie M for all the effort and cooking and preparing all day, hosting the social, and being such a "betty" (i.e. Betty Crocker)! Leslie's adorable vintage style is so fun, she would certainly fit right in with the stylish ladies of the 50's!. Special thanks also to Erin for her diligence with the Willingness to Serve forms and Jenn for the Merry Market evaluations. I think our December meetings were a huge success and so much fun! notice a resemblance? Ricci and Lesli smile for the photogs Marta and Jenn socialize over refreshments Allison and Tanya chit chat about potential placements!

Dec 16, 2008

Leaguers roll up their sleeves to help others

Throughout the past week the dedicated women of the JL spent their time volunteering at The Salvation Army sorting through donated food, toys & clothes to fullfill the angel tree wishes from area families and children. Many members donated their time and energy to a very valuable resource for those struggling this holiday season. With so many in our community facing difficulty in tough economic times, I am even more touched by the generosity and fortitude of our members. Many requests are made of these superheros and I am so amazed! Volunteering included sorting through dontated food, toys & clothes and forfilling angel tree wishes from area families and children. Donations provide Christmas dinners, clothing, and toys for families in need.

Dec 15, 2008

Pottery Playdate at Studio 6

At our kid-friendly cluster meeting on Thursday, we were excited to qualify for the group discount on some crafty painted pottery. Home made Christmas presents were in the making as moms and kids alike found a creative outlet during this busy time of year. Emily Morris (pictured above) made the perfect gift for coffee drinking mom (no doubt JL moms need their caffeine right?)

Inspiring message from AJLI President

Retreat Weekend